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GridControl API release notes
OpenAPI/Swagger descriptionVersion 1.9.0 (2023-03-29)
Sunny Portal system migration (SunnyPortal classic to Sunny Portal powered by ennexOS):
Permanent Redirect for migrated classic systems:
API-response returns an HTTP code 308 without a response body
New plantId/deviceId in location header, including any query params.
Automatic correction with redirect of the migrated plantId in the request body (e.g. with POST endpoints, and no plantId in the path)
Endpoint (POST /gridcontrol/v1/plants/eligibleCommands)
Endpoint (POST /gridcontrol/v1/plants/eligibillityCheck)
More details on MigrationAnnouncement (sma.de)
Version 1.8.0 (2023-03-07)
New endpoint (to replace eligibleCommands):
POST /gridcontrol/v1/plants/eligibilityCheck - Lists for all requested commands whether they are supported by a specific plant based on meter, plant or device identifier at the time of the query. For each command requested, error information or possible reasons are given if it is not supported.
Existing endpoint eligibleCommands is marked as obsolete.
Improvement for POST gridcontrol/v1/plants/{plantId}/schedules) endpoint:
The unnecessary peaks caused by fallback commands when overwriting with the same commands are avoided.
Version 1.7.0 (2023-02-01)
Active power limitation (FeedInLimit command) for classic HomeManager systems now supported
Enhancement for:
Endpoint (POST /gridcontrol/v1/plants/eligibleCommands) - device serial number can also be used as a system identifier
Several Bugfixes
Version 1.6.0 (2022-09-28)
Improvement for POST /gridcontrol/v1/plants/{plantId}/schedules) endpoint:
Optional “skipEligibilityCheck” param for improving the throughput time for requests
New Endpoint:
POST /gridcontrol/v1/plants/eligibleCommands- Gets the eligible commands for a plant based on meter or plant identifier
Version 1.5.0 (2022-06-28)
Improvement for (GET /gridcontrol/v1/plants/{plantId}/schedules) endpoint:
Internally created fallback schedules are no longer displayed
Support of new command:
OpModDisconnect: Command to disconnect the system from the mains for the specified duration. After the time has elapsed, the system is automatically switched on again. The command can currently only be offered for classic WebConnect systems, not for ennexOS Data Manager systems.
Version 1.4.0 (2022-04-05)
Extended configurations ("Deactivated" configurations are defined for most feature types. These indicate that the feature is disabled:
New endpoint that provides the current configuration of a plant, depending on the type of setting: GET plants/{id}/settings/{settingsType} with the following available settings types: activePowerGridSettings, reactivePowerGridSettings, frequencyFaultRideThroughSettings, voltageFaultRideThroughSettings.
Enhancement of schedule commands - new supported commands added (opModMaxLimW, opModFixedPfAbsorbW, opModFixedPFInjectW, opModFreqWatt, opModHfrtMustTrip, opModHvrtMustTrip, opModLfrtMustTrip, opModLvrtMustTrip, opModVoltVar, opModVoltWatt). For more details, see the documentation of the existing endpoints: GET/POST /v1/plants/{plantId}/schedules.